31 January 2020

11 of 12: A Dozen Days of Twelve Step Concepts

This is nearly the final post of a series of twelve.  If it's the first you're seeing of it, please visit 1 of 12 and find links and context to which I'll refer in this post.

Step Eleven
"Sought through prayer and meditation 
to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, 
praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out."
Image source:  https://weheartit.com/entry/46083003
Prayer involves petition for the needs of oneself and others, praise in acknowledgment of the mercy and grace of God, and pursuit of God's will and guidance, even as we confess our lack and avail ourselves of His love.  Meditation is an act of focused attention on the personhood and principles as revealed in Holy Writ.  Meditation looks as different for each person as does prayer.  Methodology is not so important as the mission it supports and the motivating Object of our worship and devotion.  These are simply rough working definitions I've devised, but for the prospect of recovery, and the "conscious contact with God," they'll suffice.  Prayer and meditation need not seem mystical or far-away - they're communication devices, and gifts from God.

Model prayers are available from the Lord Himself and many of His followers.  Here are links to a few you might recognize:

I personally find my prayer is more focused when I have a pen in hand, sometimes writing out my prayer as if it was a magical letter delivered as it is written.  My mind doesn't wander so quickly that way; and when it does, I can jot into the margin any stray thoughts vying for my attention.  Conversely, I find a form of repetitive movement is more effective for me as a physical state during meditation than stillness, which can be physically challenging.  I have, however, learned the value and the practice of stillness in meditation.  I've also learned that, in the stillness, I am made to face myself and my sphere as it is, raw and real.  That's not so comfortable either, but it can be a catalyst for greater change.

Jotting with Johnna:

  • When will you make the time today to pray and meditate?  There's no minimum time that "qualifies" as authentic - simply the intention and action - so why not decide now to do it?
  • Where might you go - within your home or elsewhere - to find quiet and solitude in which to pray and meditate?
  • How will you make sacred the space and time you devote to this practice?

God has opened a channel over which you and I have access to Him.  What a great and wondrous gift!

Stay tuned.  Stay focused.  Stay well.

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